‘Drawing Stories’ is a beautiful, heartwarming, and humorous collection of anecdotes and illustrations by Suresh Eriyat, the founder of Studio Eeksaurus.
The book design is fluid, playful yet minimal to accentuate the visuals. Suresh’s handwritten titles and date stamps create a personal connection, as if he is sharing treasures from his own journal. Each layout is tailored to match the variety of drawings and flow of stories.
The case highlights one of the most humorous moments in the book and also doubles as a captivating art print. This design generates a sense of anticipation when opened, enhancing the overall experience.
Illustrated by Suresh Eriyat, Screen printed on cardboard
‘Drawing Stories’ is a great read, offering insights and inspiration through Suresh’s 8 years of observational drawings.
His lens through which he sees the world makes this book a valuable collectible for anyone who appreciates creativity and humor.